Majesty 100 Superyacht

Majesty 100 Superyacht

Gaining world-wide attention since it was launched, the Majesty 100 is characterized by her unique enclosed sky-lounge and a powerful but efficient propulsion system. With her lavish interiors and ample lounging areas, she is taking Majesty Yachts owners to superyacht status. Timeless exterior styling and uncompromised naval engineering are finished with exquisite interior workmanship in this model.


Dane techniczne

Długość całkowita

31,70 m

Maksymalna szerokość

7.10 m


1,65 m


ok. 132 t

Pojemność paliwa

15,710 l

Pojemność wody słodkiej

3,500 l

Pojemność wody czarnej

755 l

Pojemność szarej wody

755 l


2 x 50 kW, 50 Hz


2 x 1,900 KM

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